Monday, August 22, 2011

The Beginning

The beginning of this amazing journey that God has planned for me has been a great. It has been filled with God glorifying testimonies from humble God fearing servants, and building new relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ that have a radiant passion to see people coming to Christ all around the world so that His name may be glorified throughout the earth. What I got from today was that I really do have a pretty southern accent, but what seriously God showed me today was that there are so many culture shifts are going on throughout the whole world that are more evil than good, and we, disciples of Christ, are it to change these culture shifts for the good which is to bring worship to our gracious Father. These culture shifts that are prevalent in the world are: human trafficking, media, secular humanism, radical Islam, and materialism. In order to have a full effect on these culture shifts we need to have a commitment for the namesake of Christ to give everything with all our heart, and strength to spread His good news, and mindset of "Only one life, twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last."

Now on to what the schedule was like on my first day at Bethany. First was the usual for any college was filling out all the paper work for finances, and giving your John Hancock's to all the papers about the regulations. Then after the paper work, was moving into the dorm. The dorms are very much like apartments because of how the layout of each section has. For example, in each wing on each level have two regular bathrooms that have one tub, one toilet, and one sink, most likely because we have six people on each wing. My room is normal size that most college dorms. It has one dresser, two desks, one closet, and a bunk bed. After moving my stuff into dorm, I had a yummy lunch with my parents before we said our goodbyes. I know it must have been hard for my mom saying goodbye because "her baby" will not be a few miles away where she can see me as much as she wants to, but now it’s little more (major sarcasm) miles where she can't see me for a 6 month or more span of time. After saying goodbye to my family, it was time to connect with my brothers and sister. Since we only have 37 freshman you think it would be easy to connect with all of them, but nope still haven't cause of the intense conversations about other's testimonies. Then after connecting with my classmates, we had chapel. In chapel, it included a worship service then the President of Bethany gave us a sermon about the reality of the culture shifts, and the need for missionaries of dedicating their lives to spreading the Gospel to every nation. It was a very encouraging seeing his passion to build up us young people with a solid foundation of God’s Word, and a great education on cultures so we can better evangelize the world. Then after encouragement from Dan Brokke, you find me writing this.

Thanks again for all you that have supported, and discipled me to the person I have become. If you were never in my life, then God wouldn’t have used you to mold me who He wants me to be.